How to Update Theme from ThemeForest ?
NOTICE: If direct customizations have been made to the theme, they will be overwritten when the theme is updated.
Method 1: Install the WordPress Envato Market plugin
After installation, activation, and setup, the Envato Market plugin will display a notification in your WordPress dashboard when an update is available. To setup:
- Download the Envato Market plugin and install it in the WordPress Dashboard at: Appearance > Widgets
- Activate the plugin.
- Navigate to the Envato Market menu, follow the instructions to generate a Global OAuth Personal Token, and enter the Token in your WordPress Dashboard.
Method 2: Manually Install the Update
To manually install a new version of the theme:
- Backup the current version of the theme.
- Delete the old version and reinstall the latest version. You will not be able to install the new version while the old version is still installed.